There are so many thoughts going through my head!
I guess first thing first.
I am Isaac and I run.
I am Isaac and I am Brown.
Yes, you got this I'm a Latino Runner and the vision for the blog is bring a cross section of running/fitness/endurance with a hearty side of culture, heritage, and yes topics surrounding the Latino experience.
Launching this endeavor has been rumbling in the hamster wheel in my brain for a number of years.
I forget which year but I remember the moment. My friend Meghan asked a few of us if we wanted to go up to Tennessee Valley for a Salomon Team Demo Run with a meet and greet at Marin Brewing Company to follow. I mean how can you say no to trails, runners, trying out shoes, support her friend, and great food afterwards? You can't; at least not this guy. After running in amazement of the Salomon Team members running like Mountain Goats I noticed a couple of Latinos came out to run. Naturally, we sparked a conversation and agreed to meet up at Marin Brewing Company.
It was at Marin Brewing Company that I met one of the newest members of the Salomon Team Jorge Maravilla ( Please check out his website read his story. I was so fired up! I was barely getting back into running after working on the political campaign trail for eight years.
The sensation of connecting with someone in sport, culture, language (beyond English), and passion is amazing! The seed was planted. Thank you Jorge for sharing your story and inspiring this Nicaraguense to dream mas!
There are so many people and organizations that helped evolve yours truly and to you I am grateful. Over the course of this blog I plan to dedicate time to all you influencers whether you know me or not for in action we act and in acting we move others. Thank you for waking me up, pulling me along, and encouraging me to keep moving.
I look forward towards the dialogues that lie before us.
You can follow me on the following social media networks:
@runmedrano on Instagram
@isaacmedrano on Twitter
¡Hasta pronto herman@s!
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